FBC Plum Grove Youth

Bible Studies | Game Nights | Lunch Outs | Camps and Retreats

Our Mission

Learning to take ownership of our faith, growing closer to God and to each other, and boldly reaching out into a dark world, sharing the love and light of Christ.

Join Us!

We meet weekly for bible study and games!

Sundays: 9:45am – 10:45am

Wednesdays: 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Game Days/Movie Nights?

We have multiple events throughout the month, varying from movie nights to lunch outs. A monthly calendar is released around the beginning of very month, so stay updated and we hope to see you in our next event!

Upcoming Major Events

Cave Conference

Join us in our first annual Cave Conference! Worship, message, food, and competitions.
January | $15/student

Hot Hearts

Youth Conference in Beaumont, Texas! We're loading up the church van for a fun weekend out!

Comanche Mission Trip

Summer mission trip to Comanche, Texas. Come ready to work and serve the community!
Dates and cost tba